
Annual event of the Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends 2018

On the 30th of October, the Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends invited its members and interested guests to this year’s annual event. The Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends reg. ass. pursues the goal of supporting and promoting the science and research of the Leopoldina ideally and materially. The Board cordially invites you to this year’s

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Verleihung des Johann-Lorenz-Bausch-Stipendiums 2018 Mattia Mantovani (3.v.r.) erhielt anlässlich der Mitgliederversammlung des Leopoldina Akademie Freundeskreises von dessen Vorstand das Johann-Lorenz-Bausch-Stipendium 2018 verliehen.

Award of the Johann-Lorenz-Bausch Scholarship 2018

This year’s annual event of the Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends followed its Members’ Assembly. This provided the festive setting for the awarding of the Johann Lorenz Bausch Scholarship 2018 to Mattia Mantovani. Beforehand, he spoke about his project “Finalism and mechanicism in early modern medicine and science: The case of the Academia Naturae Curiosorum”.

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Fertigstellung des historischen Ritualraums 2018 Freigelegte Motive an der Decke. Ost-Kreis: Kniende weibliche Figur, West-Kreis: Putti umspannen die Weltkugel, Zentralmotiv: Kompass-Sonne

Completion of the Historic Ritual Room

Since autumn 2018, the art-historically valuable former ritual room VI of the Freemason Lodge “Zu den Drei Degen” (now the main building of the Leopoldina) has shone in new splendour. With the acquisition and reconstruction of the new main building on the Jägerberg, the Leopoldina has also visibly gained a very special radiance far beyond

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Schülerprogramm 2018 TeilnehmerInnen des Schülerprogramms 2018 Foto: Markus Scholz

Student Programme on the Occasion of the Annual Members’ Assembly 2018

This year, the Leopoldina Circle of Friends is once again funding the school student programme for around 40 highly gifted students. Guests of the Annual Assembly at the invitation of the Leopoldina and the Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends reg. ass. are also around 40 gifted pupils from all over Germany. They will follow the

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Neues Südfenster des Leopoldina Hauptgebäudes 2019

New south window in the Leopoldina main building

On the south side of the headquarters, the new glass panes were installed in mid-September 2018. The replacement on the opposite side will take place in spring 2019.   The windows were designed by the Halle artist Christine Triebsch, who studied at the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle and is now a professor of painting/glass there.

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Bausch-Stipendiat 2018: Mattia Mantovani

Bausch – Scholarship Laureate 2018: Mattia Mantovani

It is endowed with 5,000 € and named after the Academy’s founder Johann Lorenz Bausch. The scholarship is aimed at young scholars working in the field of the history of science, in the narrower as well as the broader sense. This year, the awardee is Mattia Mantovani.   His project is called “Finalism and mechanicism

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Gemeinsamer Jahresempfang 2018

Joint Annual Reception 2018

On the occasion of the 10th year of the appointment of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, founded in 1652, to the National Academy of Sciences and 10 years after the foundation of the Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends reg. ass., the annual joint reception took place on the 6th of April 2018. The theme

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