During the ceremonial opening of its annual assembly on Friday the 24th of September 2021 in Halle (Saale), the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina awarded the Leopoldina Prize for Young Scientists to Dr Hayley Allison for the discovery of mechanisms and conditions for the acceleration of electrons to ultra-relativistic energies in the Van-Allen radiation belts and to Dr Philipp Lorenz Spreen for his achievements in the field of education research.
Since 2009, the Academy has awarded the Leopoldina Prize for young scientists. From 2019 onwards, the prize will be endowed twice with 5,000 Euros each and will be awarded to two scientists. Originally, the prize was endowed with 2,000 Euros from funds of the Karl Lohmann Endowment. In 2015, the Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends reg. ass. agreed to increase the prize to 5,000 Euros each. Now, the prize is financed exclusively by the Circle of Friends.
The Leopoldina Prize for Young Scientists is awarded biennially to scientists who have demonstrated outstanding research achievements in a field represented by the Leopoldina and who have not yet exceeded the age of thirty. The selection committee is supranational.

Jutta Schnitzer-Ungefug with Halley Allison (left) and Philipp Lorenz Spreen (right) Photo: Markus Scholz