
Preisverleihung Nachwuchswissenschaftler

Now a Tradition: Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends once again supports the Prize for Young Scientist

During the ceremonial opening of its annual assembly on Friday the 24th of September 2021 in Halle (Saale), the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina awarded the Leopoldina Prize for Young Scientists to Dr Hayley Allison for the discovery of mechanisms and conditions for the acceleration of electrons to ultra-relativistic energies in the Van-Allen radiation belts

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Bausch Stipendiatin 2021 Musil-Gutsch

Bausch Scholarship 2021: Josephine Musil-Gutsch

“Disciplinary genesis between the natural sciences and the humanities: The historian of chemistry Edmund von Lippmann as a pioneer in the history of science” The Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends reg. ass. once again awarded the Johann-Lorenz-Bausch-Scholarship in 2021. At that time, itwas worth a maximum of €5,000 and named after the Academy’s founder Johann

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Amtsübergabe Jörg Hacker Portrait

Prof. Jörg Hacker’s Presidential Portrait Completed

It is a good tradition for an outgoing Leopoldina President to have his portrait taken for the Academy’s President’s Gallery. The XXVI President Professor Dr Jörg Hacker, who led the Leopoldina from 2010 to 2020, followed this request after leaving office. For the portrait, he chose Sebastian Herzau, who studied painting at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule

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Bausch Stipendiatin 2020

Award of the Johann-Lorenz-Bausch Scholarship 2020

In 2020, the Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends reg. ass. offered the Johann Lorenz Bausch Scholarship for the fifth time. The awardee in 2020 was Ms Tracy Wietecha. As part of her scholarship stay, she worked at the Leopoldina Centre for Science Research in Halle during the four-month funding period which started in August and

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Grabstelle des XV. Leopoldina-Präsidenten C. H. Knoblauch auf dem Stadtgottesacker Halle

Grave site of the XV. Leopoldina President C. H. Knoblauch

The Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends reg. ass. recently had the overgrown grave site of the XV. Leopoldina President, Carl Hermann Knoblauch (1820 – 1895), restored on the graveyard (“Stadtgottesacker”) in Halle and also took over the sponsorship for it. In doing so, he followed the wish of the Academy’s leadership and at the same

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Wenrui Zhao (r.) erhielt anlässlich der Vorstandssitzung des Leopoldina Akademie Freundeskreis von dessen Vorstandsvorsitzunden Dr. Dietz das Johann-Lorenz-Bausch-Stipendium 2019 verliehen.

Johann-Lorenz-Bausch Scholarship Award 2019

The Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends reg. ass. announced the Johann Lorenz Bausch Scholarship for the fourth time in 2019. The scholarship was awarded to Ms Wenrui Zhao during the board meeting of the Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends  on the 18th of December 2019 in Halle. Beforehand, she spoke about her project “Dissecting Sight:

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Hinweisschild Leopoldina B6

Erection of Information Signs

Visitors and citizens of the city of Halle are made aware of the city being Leopoldina’s home town through signs leading citywards on the most important federal roads leading into the city of Halle. The project of installing five signs at the following main entrance roads to the city of Halle was successfully completed: Zieglerstraße

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Neues Nordfenster des Leopoldina Hauptgebäudes Foto: Thomas Meinicke

Completion of the Artistically Designed Glass Windows

The Leopoldina has received new glass windows for the main staircase in the building on the Jägerberg in Halle. On the south side of the headquarters, the new window panes had already been installed in 2018. The window on the north side (photo) has now also been completed. The windows were designed by Halle artist

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Prof. Dr. Jörg Hacker, Prof. Dr. Jutta Schnitzer-Ungefug und Preisträgerin Monika Schönauer Foto: Christof Rieken/Leopoldina

Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends again supports Prize for Young Scientists

As part of the ceremonial opening of its annual assembly on Friday the 20th of September 2019 in Halle (Saale), the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina awarded the Leopoldina Prize for Young Scientists to Moises Exposito-Alonso, Stanford, CA, USA, and Monika Schönauer, Princeton, USA, for their outstanding research achievements in the fields of developmental biology

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Mural painting in the Historic Ritual Room Completed

Since October 2018, the historic Freemason Hall of the former lodge “Zu den Drei Degen” can be visited during guided tours of the Leopoldina main building in Halle. The paintings had been uncovered in an elaborate process (Newsletter 6/2018). The room’s altar niche was originally covered with tapestry and contained light installations that were later

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