
Verleihung des Johann-Lorenz-Bausch-Stipendiums 2016 Stipendiatin Julia Böttcher mit den Vorstandsmitgliedern Santer zur Horst-Meyer, Dietrich Kloevekorn-Norgall, Jutta Schnitzer-Ungefug, Klaus von der Heyde (von rechts) sowie Horst Dietz (links). Foto: Markus Scholz

Award of Johann-Lorenz-Bausch Scholarship 2016

The Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends reg. ass. announced the Johann-Lorenz-Bausch Scholarship for the first time in 2017. Awardee Julia Böttcher with Board members Santer zur Horst-Meyer, Dietrich Kloevekorn-Norgall, Jutta Schnitzer-Ungefug, Klaus von der Heyde (from right) and Horst Dietz (left). Photos: Markus Scholz Horst Dietz congratulates awardee Julia Böttcher

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Jahresveranstaltung 2016 Arne Schirrmacher bei seinem Vortrag. Foto: Markus Scholz

Annual Event of the Freundeskreis 2016

On the 11th of October 2016, the Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends reg. ass. and the Centre for Science Studies of the Leopoldina invited its members and all other interested guests to participate in its annual event, which was set to take place in the reading room of the Leopoldina library. Dr.-Ing. Horst Dietz, Chairperson

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Schülerprogramm anlässlich der Jahresversammlung 2016 TeilnehmerInnen des Schülerprogramms 2016 Foto: Markus Scholz

Student programme on occasion of the Annual Assembly 2016

On the occasion of the Leopldina’s 2016 annual assembly on the topic of “Sciences in Intercultural Dialogue”, the Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends is once again funding the student programme accompanying the event this year. Participants of the student programme 2016, Photo: Markus Scholz

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Ausstellungseröffnung 2016

A treasure for public use

The exhibition “A Treasure for Public Benefit – Insights into the Collections of the Leopoldina”  shows collected works from the early years of the Leopoldina, classics of the history of science as well as unique biographical testimonies of Academy members and presents current research projects in the history of science. Photos: Markus Scholz

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