Projects 2019
Here you can find the projects of the Leopoldina Academy Cirlce of Friends from 2019. Click on the respective preview to get to the complete page.
Projects 2019

Johann-Lorenz-Bausch Scholarship Award 2019
The Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends reg. ass. announced the Johann Lorenz Bausch Scholarship for the fourth time in 2019....

Erection of Information Signs
Visitors and citizens of the city of Halle are made aware of the city being Leopoldina’s home town through signs...

Completion of the Artistically Designed Glass Windows
The Leopoldina has received new glass windows for the main staircase in the building on the Jägerberg in Halle. On...

Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends again supports Prize for Young Scientists
As part of the ceremonial opening of its annual assembly on Friday the 20th of September 2019 in Halle (Saale),...

Joint Spring Reception 2019
Biodiversity at the centre of the joint spring reception of the Leopoldina and the Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends. Biodiversity...

Mural painting in the Historic Ritual Room Completed
Since October 2018, the historic Freemason Hall of the former lodge “Zu den Drei Degen” can be visited during guided...