Welcoming Speech of the Former Federal Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher in April 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I accepted the role of aegis patron for the in September 2007 founded Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends reg. ass. with great joy. It has set itself the goal to support the Leopoldina morally and financially.

Nowadays, strong civil commitment is needed to support our society in all layers, like pillars. Even the Leopoldina as the oldest continuously existing society of scholars for natural sciences and medicine in the world, requires support from its patrons and members in face of its salient, social political role.

This also stands when the Leopoldina was declared the National Academy of Sciences through the initiative of federal minister Annette Schavan, for its efforts of world wide cooperation of about 1300 scientists. Demands for our society and politics will only get larger which makes efficiency in the dialogue between politics and science a necessity.

I ask you to assist me in helping the Leopoldina Academy Circle of Friends reg. ass. achieve this and show interest in the problems of our time.


Hans-Dietrich Genscher

Former Federal Minister

Senator of Honour of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina reg. ass.