Leopoldina-Archiv erwirbt wertvolles Briefkonvolut 2014 Fotos der Briefe aus dem Leopoldina-Archiv Fotos: Leopoldina-Archiv

Leopoldina Archive acquires valuable collection of letters

In terms of content, these are essentially letters to the presidents of the Leopoldina in which the newly elected members first thanked them for the high honour of admission and submitted a curriculum vitae or a list of publications. Due to the binding and the fact that these are exclusively letters from senders with the letters T to Z, it can be assumed that this is an entire correspondence file of the Leopoldina. The file was presumably misappropriated in the 1920s and sold via the autograph trade. In the coming year, the letters are to be restored so that they will be available for research starting summer 2015.

Pictures of the letters in the Leopoldina archives Photos: Leopoldina archives